Music Playlist at

Name:Yogaraj AKA Yogi
Birthday:29 June 1996 =]
Horoscope:Cancer =0
School:Victoria School

<3 English
<3 Soccer
<3 Friends
<3 Snakes
<3 Myself
<3 Kelly Kelly

hate You
hate Basketball
hate Maths
hate MRT
hate Kiasu People
hate You Again

An Iphone,A new psp :] ;

01/01/2010 - 02/01/2010

No Vulgarities! :]

My Mousehunt Profile

layout by e*lame :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ever since I was about the age of eight,I loved to watch wrestling.I don't know what the reasons are but it must be thanks to my father.He has this collection of wrestling CDs that he let me watch.At first,both my parents were hesitant about it but they let me anyway.Since then,I've been addicted to wrestling.Everyday I visit the wrestling website,,to check up on the latest news.I watch wrestling matches on Youtube and also collect wrestling cards.But the one thing that a ardent wrestling fan has that I don't is merchandise bought from as I could not afford it.So I simply make my own merchandise from cardboard,paper and a little creativity.My best piece of work is my WWE title belt.I carry it on my shoulder around the house with pride.Watching a wrestling match is like poetry in motion.Sometimes the moves in a wrestling match can vary from death-defying leaps of faith to just plain old street fighting.My favorite type of match is the last man standing match.It is a match where the objective is to incapacitate your opponent to the point where he or she are unable to answer a ten-count after being downed.The match only has one rule which is no rules so anything can and will happen.This type of matches are unpredictable and you can never know what will happen next.This a dangerous match as it could take years off the wrestler's career and possible risk serious injury.I really appreciate the wrestlers who give it their all in the matches they wrestle just to make us fans happy.If we're happy,then their happy.So on behalf of every wrestling fan out there,I thank all the wrestlers for what they've done.

280 words

save ME from the dark; 9:39 PM

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Have you watched the movie "Avatar"?Well,I recently went to catch the most anticipated film of 2009/2010 with a couple of friends at tiong bahru plaza's golden village cinema.We had planned to watch the movie then go to my house and hang out.We were all excited as we heard that this movie is a must watch and thrills to the core.It had awesome graphics and contained lots of fighting scenes which were epic.To add more to all this,we were gonna watch "Avatar" in 3-D which was gonna make movie come alive.After we met up,bought the movie tickets and some popcorn,we headed towards theatre NO.4.We found our seats and finally what seemed like an eternity of trailers and commercials,the movie began.Everyone in the theatre were on the edge of the seats.I lost track of time as I was too engrossed in the movie.But then,the unexpected happened.Jake Sully,who was the protagonist of "Avatar",was uttering the line"That's cool!".But for some reason,he repeated it over and over again a few times.Then the announcement came that there were some technical difficulties so we had to wait for a while.Right after the announcement ended,a audible moan could be heard from the audience.My friends and I were cursing under our breaths as we had to wait so long.Unfortunately after thirty minutes,the theatre staff asked us to leave as they as they could not solve the problem as they have tried all in their power.Me and my friends were really disappointed that we didn't get to finish watching "Avatar" but worst of all,we had no refund!So we wasted our money watching just half a movie!Contrary to what Jake said,that's NOT cool!

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save ME from the dark; 7:45 PM

Sunday, January 24, 2010

It was a hot and sunny Saturday afternoon.The heat of the Sun was unbearable so I was in my room surfing the net with my air-conditioner on at the lowest temperature.Only my sister and I were at home as my parents were out to attend to some important matters.My sister was out watching television and I was going to join her as soon as I shut down my computer.After that,I was tidying up the computer desk but just then my English file dropped under the desk.As I was lazy,I tried to use my legs to take the file from under there.Then suddenly out of nowhere,I felt a sharp pain on my right foot.I then quickly dashed to the living room where my sister was.I told her what happened then she took a look at my right foot.She saw two puncture wounds on top of it but could not be sure what caused them.So we both went back to my room and looked under the computer desk to see what was hiding there.To my horror,it was a snake!A snake had just bitten me and I realised I might die any moment now!I was screaming for my life.Then,my sister told me to relax and explained the whole situation to me.The snake which had bitten me was just a harmless rat snake which is common in Singapore.It took shelter under the computer desk as it needed to take refuge from the heat outside.How my sister knew all this things,I'll never know but anyway she called our neighbour,Mr Ong,to come in and help us remove and relocate the snake.He carefully took the snake out from there and went to a area where not many people will pass by and let the snake go.Meanwhile,my sister applied first aid to my wound and said it would heal in a few days time.This experience frightened the living daylights out of me as I encountered a snake for the first time in my life.I'm grateful for my sister and Mr Ong for helping me out through this experience.

340 words

save ME from the dark; 6:22 PM

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Most people would thing that having a dog for a pet is tedious.But to me,it is great as having a dog has many benefits.For example,it teaches you responsibility and also you have a companion who is always there for you through ups and downs.Everyday I take my dog,Spike the English terrier,to my neighborhood park to do some activities together.It is fun bringing Spike to the park where he runs around and explores the place.Sometimes we"ll play fetch with either a small ball or a frisbee.On other occasions,we might just run around and chase each other for no reason at all.But on the days that I have CCA,I just walk him him around the park.We usually spend twenty minutes in the park but I cherish every moment of it as I get to let loose and run free with a friend you know and trust.I'm sure that Spike too enjoys spending time in the park with me.Spike and me have a tight bond that has withstood the test of time.You see,I first saw Spike when my parents got him for me as a birthday present three years ago.Ever since,Spike and I have spend every moment possible together with each other.I let him sit on the couch and watch television with me,I give him good food and I let him sleep on my bed.There's a old saying that goes"A dog is a man's best friend".I have realised how true that is as Spike and I are the best of friends.One of the few things that dog owners hate is taking their dog to the park as they are lazy.But I say,that in taking your dog to the park,the relationship between the two of you will grow and grow just like between Spike and me.

292 words

save ME from the dark; 7:43 PM

I am perfection!
I am perfection!
So take your best shot,give it all you got,I'll show it all!

Some things are exactly what they seem
I will defy the things you dream
Go check the scores again
Call mine a perfect ten
They broke the mold when they made me

They saw perfection!
they saw perfection!
I am perfection!

I hold your life here in my hands
Though you try hard to understand
Your little mind won't turn
Those little wheels will burn
You'll recognize just who I am

I am perfection!
I am perfection!
So take your best shot,give it all you got,Bring it on!!

I know it isn't fair
I know how hard you try

Give it up now, never gonna work out
I'm the definition of perfection, no doubt
You took your best shot, but it¹s all over now
You can't teach perfection

Things just come easier to me
What you work hard for, I get free
With no excuses made, I got all my dues paid
And I stand here,so you can see

So you can see perfection!
I am perfection!
So Bring it on!

I know it isn't fair
I know how hard you try

I am perfection!

save ME from the dark; 7:38 PM

Whoa!Ever since i put tat perfection song gr8 things hav bin happenin 2 me.4 the last 4 days,when i play soccer in the field with my friends,i banged in 4 goals.tat mins i very pro or jus taiko.n in basketball,i hav bcome a real sharpshooter so im gonna post the song lyrics so tat u can sing along n hopefully sum luck may rub off on u!

save ME from the dark; 7:36 PM

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Dringggg!!!!!!!".There went the school bell at 10.10am which signaled the start of recess.Everyone in class were delighted that finally after two hours of lessons,they had a break to chill and relax.Usually during recess,students would head down to the canteen to eat.But I on the other hand,change to my PE attire along with a few other friends of mine and head on down to the school field.Why,you ask?Well you see,every recess my friends and I go to the school field and play soccer.When we reached the field,we started playing as soon as the captains picked people to be on the their team. The match begun and everyone were scrambling for the ball right away.I was playing in defence and had to block a lot of shots.Then my captain instructed me to move forward quickly.I was quite nervous as I've not much experience playing as a striker but I did as my captain told me and moved forward anyway.As I was moving forward,it was my team's corner kick so I ran in there to try my luck and see whether I could sneak in a goal.The ball was coming in towards me but it was useless as the opposition team's defender got to the ball before me and cleared it out for another corner kick.The second corner kick came in and once again,it was headed towards me.But this time,nobody was marking me so I had ample time to direct the ball into the net.But for some reason,I closed my eyes shut right before the ball was coming into contact with me.After that,I heard screams of joy and felt hands enveloped around me.It appeared that I scored a goal with a header.Then,the bell went again and that signaled the end of recess.The score was 1-0.I couldn't believe that I scored the winning goal which felt good.My friends then congratulated me with pats to the back and a few words.I can't wait till tomorrow to play again and who knows?I might even score again!

330 words

save ME from the dark; 6:32 PM